Massage Therapy
Every body and every health problem is unique which is why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to massage therapy. Whether you are looking to help relieve pain, ease stress and tension, experience relaxation, or improve posture and flexibility we can help. At Reagan Integrated Sports Medicine, our licensed massage therapists take the time to listen and personalize every aspect of your massage treatment. We offer 30, 60, and 90 minutes sessions.
- Medical massage – Our medical massage targets specific problem areas diagnosed in partnership with your doctor. This massage incorporates a variety of treatment techniques including trigger point therapy, neuromuscular and myofascial release. It focuses on the areas related to your medical condition and is geared toward easing the symptoms of that condition. Medical massage can be used to treat pain and muscle tension that result from issues like sciatica, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, and neck pain.
- Kinetic Fascial Stretching – The technique promises to expand your idea of what stretching can do for you! This unique treatment is a complete system of table-based, assisted stretching that focuses on releasing the fascia, not just the muscle, to achieve optimal flexibility, strength, mobility and pain relief. Fascia is connective tissue that extends from the surface of the muscle deep down to the individuals muscle cells. It should twist and move with the muscle but overuse, injury and muscle tension can cause the fascia to wind up, limiting flexibility. Fascial Stretching takes the body through specific movements that unwind the fascia, decompress the joints and lengthen the muscle fibers. The end product is decreased muscle soreness, reduced muscle tension and restored flexibility. We recommend incorporating this type of stretching for people of all ages and activity levels, from young, growing athletes to the seasoned competitor.
- Structural Integration – This advanced, specialty massage focuses on the fascia, or connective tissues, that surround groups of muscles, blood vessels, organs, and nerves. Structural Integration aligns and balances the body by lengthening and repositioning the fascia. As the fascia is lengthened, the muscles can move more efficiently. During a session, you practitioner will apply pressure to the body, working the entire fascial system in a systematic way. When the body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease and requires less energy to function. Posture improves, the body becomes more flexible, more coordinated, and athletic performance improves.
Structural Integration is performed in 90min sessions. It is preferable that the sessions are received, one per week for ten weeks in a row. The ten sessions are administered progressively; each session builds upon the last until complete integration of the body is achieved.
Sports massage – This targeted therapeutic treatment combines deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release. It can also help prevent damage if you are prone to injury. Sports massage alleviates repetitive muscle strain and chronic muscle tension to enable you to move more freely. When performed regularly, this type of massage can improve posture, enhance performance, and assist in recovery; benefits that both athletes and non-athletes can enjoy.
Chiropractic, Stretch Therapy and Sports Massage in Dallas, Texas
The right massage can work wonders to relieve your chronic pain or stress, allowing you to get back in the game to perform as well as you feel. To learn more about this and other effective therapeutic services available at Reagan Integrated Sports Medicine, call us today at (972) 503-7272 to set up a one-on-one consultation with one of our licensed therapists.
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